About Us
Our community of Homestay Hosts provides accommodation for national and international visitors of all ages throughout the year. International students are returning to Weymouth and Portland in 2023 - in huge numbers! Do you have a spare room for hosting? Visit our website to contact us and see what's involved. • All year-round hosting opportunities • Twin, bunk, triple and double-bedded rooms welcome • 24/7 support from local team with 30+ years' experience in hosting and education A wonderful way to make new friends while supporting the family budget! See what our hosts say: "Amazing girls as always, just perfect" "The Tour Leader was delightful. Well mannered, grateful and a pleasure to have had her". "Just such lovely, young people. Helpful, friendly, polite, respectful and we had many laughs"
Products & Services
- 24/7 support
- Accommodation Booking Agencies
- accommodation
- activity programmes
- flexible accommodation
- international students
- Venture Breaks
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