L A Auto Services
01234 354237
01234 354237
- Unit 4-5 Shuttleworth Court , Shuttleworth Road , Bedford , MK410EN
About Us
L A Auto Services is a Bosch approved service centre that offers MOT's and car servicing and repairs to all makes and models. The company specialises in engine management, ABS repairs, diagnostics, air con repairs, bodywork repairs and all mechanical repairs. The company provides a highly professional service, value and personal commitment and its staff is trained to the highest standards. The company is part of the official 'Bosch Car Service Centre' network. L A Auto Services covers the following areas: Bedford, Eaton Socon, St Neots, Great Barford, Clapham, Oakley, Bromham, Kempston, Shortstown, Wootton, Cople, Willington, Cardington, Risley, Thurleigh, Milton Earnest, Biggleswade, Sandy and all other Bedford villages. For further information, please use the above contact details.
Products & Services
- car repairs
- car services
- diagnostics
- garage services
- Mechanics
- mot testing
- mot
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