Cashtrak Ltd
01865 522785
01865 522785
- 2 Wormsley Crescent , High Wycombe , HP143TS
About Us
CAROL WEBB, FICB, PM.Dip. AATQB. ACIPP CASHTRAK OWNER Behind every efficient business is an efficient operator and in this case it's Cashtrak's founder and owner, Carol Webb. When Carol launched Cashtrak some years ago, to meet the specific needs of sole traders and SME's, she brought with her a vast range of hands-on experience in a variety of different industry sectors from pensions to engineering, manufacturing to importing. She also worked as Finance Manager for a venture capital sponsored, software development company. She is, as she cheerfully admits, positively obsessive compulsive when it comes to detail but adds, on the good side, she's never come across a mess she can't sort. Her experience with a range of different sizes of business gives her a broad insight into some of the unique challenges and problems faced by small companies. As a Certified Bookkeeper, authorised to work in public practice by the Institute of Certified Bookkeepers, a Sage Accountants club member, and Xero Certified Advisor, Carol decided she'd be ideally placed to offer a service dealing, not only with the all the day to day practicalities, but also offering an advisory and systems planning services, enabling SME's to optimise their opportunities without huge expenditure.
Products & Services
- Auto Enrolment Advice
- auto enrolment
- bookkeeping
- business bookkeeping
- Cashtrak
- cis returns
- Clearbooks
- payroll
- personal tax
- sage training
- sage
- self assesment
- taxation
- vat registration
- vat returns
- Xero
- cash
- cheque
Additional phone numbers
- MOBILE : 07941529785
- ALTERNATE : 01865522785
Opening Hours
Monday08:30 - 17:00
Tuesday08:30 - 17:00
Wednesday08:30 - 17:00
Thursday08:30 - 17:00
Friday08:30 - 17:00
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