• Assisted Living

  • 01274 965178

    01274 965178

  • Unit 1, Ground Floor, Airedale House Dowley Gap Bingley BD161WA

About Us

Why Choose Us Our aim is to offer a comprehensive range of mobility bathing solutions to improve quality of life and maintain independence. We do this by offering high quality easy access walk in showers, walk in baths, wet rooms and wet room flooring suitable for all levels of mobility and the elderly. Our Offer 1st Class Experience Your experience matters to us. Work will be carried out with minimal disruption and you will not be left without a toilet facility. You will have a dedicated Client Services Manager throughout, ensuring you are 100% happy. 24/7 Support Our friendly & knowledgeable team are always on hand. From first point of contact right through to completion, you will have a designated person to make sure you are happy with everything. We will conduct a Quality check before we leave you to enjoy your new accessible bathroom. Installed within 2 weeks* We understand the importance of maintaining your independence so we promise to have your new accessible bathroom installed within 2 weeks from the date your order is placed with us. Most installations can be fit within 3-5 days. 300+ Options Packages are available to suit your individual needs. We can cater to all budgets and styles. As part of your proposal, you will receive a bespoke 3D design visual of your new proposed bathing solution to assist you with your decision before you commit to your order.


Products & Services


  • Walk in Baths
  • Walk in Showers
  • Wet Rooms

Opening Hours

  • Monday
    10:00 - 14:00
  • Tuesday
    10:00 - 14:00
  • Wednesday
    10:00 - 14:00
  • Thursday
    10:00 - 14:00
  • Friday
    10:00 - 14:00

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