About Us
Gates We manufacture and supply gates for both domestic and commercial use, from large driveway gates and railing systems to single side gates. We are pleased to be able to offer our customer a stress free solution that includes design and installation. Railings We pride ourselves on being able to offer a wide range of railings and balustrading bespokely designed and professionally installed. A choice of finials and railheads are also available to enhance the look and feel of your railing. All our railing and steel work are manufactured in our own workshop by our skilled craftsmen to ensure high quality. A choice of finishes are available including a powder coating; this will ensure the durability, low maintenance and protection of your railing. Handrails Wrought Iron is widely known for its wonderful decorative features, it delivers a sense of artistic and historical value which many other materials can't achieve. Our iron handrails are custom built to your specifications and designs range from the most basic of handrails to the most detailed and intricate. We can custom design a handrail system to meet your structural and aesthetic specifications. Call or visit our website for more information.
Products & Services
- * Gates
- * Handrails
- * Railings
- Metal Gates Manufacturer
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