AJW Specialist Landscaping and Maintenance Ltd
01494 882492
01494 882492
- Lower Court Farm, Marlow Road , High Wycombe , HP143JP
About Us
AJW recognises the importance of promoting the integrity and sustainability of its operations, in the interest of inhabitants surrounding the area of operations, to preserve the past, sustain and enhance the present and protect the future. The Environmental Protection Act 1990 and all other domestic and European legislation concerned with the protection of natural resources and the external environment will be adhered to. AJW recognises both the generic and local requirements of the Local Agenda 21 (LA21), has developed a policy statement specifically, and recognises its integration into policy statements.
Products & Services
- AJW Specialist Landscaping and Maintenance Ltd
- artificial grass
- artificial lawns
- garden services
- Gritting services
- invasive weed control
- japanese knotweed
- landscapers
- weed control
- cash
- cheque
Additional phone numbers
- MOBILE : 07887611204
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