Barnes Memorials Ltd
01732 667039
01732 667039
- Unit 4 Crabtree Court Farm , Crab Tree Close , Gravesend Road , Sevenoaks , TN157JL
About Us
Barnes Memorials Limited was established by Steve Barnes, we are a relatively new company and we aim to provide a discreet and professional service to our customers across the whole range of our services. We are located in Dartford and Sevenoaks and we cover London and the home counties, further afield as the needs arise. We offer a wide range of Slate and Granite house signs and numbers along with garden plaques and pet memorials. If you do not see what you require on our website please feel free to contact us as we may still be able to help you. All of our work is carried out in a respectable and dignified manner.
Products & Services
- Barnes Memorials
- decorative glass chippings
- grave renovations
- grave stones
- headstones
- house signs
- inscriptions
- memorials
- pet memorial
- plaques
- cash
- cheque
Additional phone numbers
- MOBILE : 07789547798
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