01656 725794
01656 725794
- 3 Millers Avenue , Bridgend , CF329TD
About Us
Looking for a more professional design with individual character for your Garden project?Then you've come to the right people!At"Timber-Services"we'll base our work on your ideas and provide full support for you through our range of services.Take a look around our Heavy Duty Sheds website,scroll through the website and find out more about our professional services for the creation of Heavy duty high spec timber buildings that withstand the test of time.Send us your ideas or come and see us,maybe you just want a chat on the phone
Products & Services
- We produce Heavy Duty Sheds,100% Pressure Treated,long-life timber buildings,check out our website www.heavyduty-sheds.com.We are open 8am till 12pm Saturdays
- Garden Shed
- Heavy Duty Shed
- Heavy Duty Workshop
- Pressure Treated Shed
- Pressure Treated Workshop
- Tanalised Shed
- Tanalised Workshop
- Timber Shed
- Timber Workshop
- Wooden Shed
Additional phone numbers
- MOBILE : 07538724764
Opening Hours
Monday08:00 - 06:00
Tuesday08:00 - 06:00
Wednesday08:00 - 06:00
Thursday08:00 - 06:00
Friday08:00 - 06:00
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